Class Listing for Corner Arts Gallery Studio & Gift Shop
P~678-633-5705 A~30 S Court Square Newnan, GA
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*************Pay online in advance to Book your Class****************
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Want to Schedule a Large Group After Hours? Call Us!!
Pick up supply list at front desk!! We Offer Take & Make kits in Ceramics Painting and Canvas Painting Great for Rainy or Cold Days!!!
***New*** Candle Making Workshop with Kim
Saturday, February 1st 3-5:30 Book your Class to create 2 scented candles. $50 includes all supplies plus wine & snacks.
Ceramics (Paint your Own)---PYOP—Paint your Own Pottery
We offer Several Ceramics open studio days and times--Always make your reservation ...Tuesdays Between 12:30 – 5:30p.m.,,Fridays Between 12:30-5:30 p.m. ,Saturdays Between 11-3 p.m Each piece has a price! We add $5 class fee per day for glazing. …Pick out your favorite piece to glaze. It will be taken off site to fire and will be returned for pick up the following week. Ages 3 to Adults—Great for Family and Friends Or if you have a group, talk to us about Special Date and Time
Crochet with Marie Dingler Beginner to Intermediate
Saturday 11-12 or Tuesdays 1-2 $15 per class Thursday 12-2
Jewelry Classes for Kids with Nancy Twomey
$20 per student. 6 student max per class Watch for more on the Third Saturday of Each Month Saturdays, Jan 18th 11 am -12 noon
Jewelry Classes for Adults with Nancy Twomey
Adults $30 per student. Watch for more on the Third Saturday of Each Month 1-3 pm Saturdays, Jan 18th PLUS Ladies Class
*****New*****Kids Art Class with Katherine
Classes on Thursday 3:30-4:30 for kids 5 to 5th grade! We will work with a variety of mediums and art supplies each week to create an artwork that is uniquely yours! $20 per student Beginning Thursday, Jan 9th..
Knitting with Marie Dingler Beginning to Advanced
Tuesday 2-3, 3-4 or Saturday 11-12 $15 per class. Thursdays 12-2 $20 per class
*****NEW****Manga and Cartooning with Kenna 2 days per week
This class is meant for future character creators, animators, and illustrators. We will cover the basics of drawing, using basic shapes, human anatomy, and how to properly use markers. We will learn how to draw crazy characters, adorable anime animals, and even some anthropomorphic creatures! We will also cover how to draw hair, hands, and eyes. MANGA STYLE! 2nd and 4th of each month 4-5 p.m. $15 per Class
Pick up a supply list at the front desk or find it on the website.
Needle Felting Monthly Workshop with Colleen
Learn the Art of Needle Felting with Colleen on Fri. Jan 24th 3-5 p.m. $35 Watch for New Examples Each Month!
Painting in Oils or Acrylics on-going Weekly Classes with Jenny
Adult Beginners to Intermediates Mondays 1-3 or 4-6 $20 each week. And Tuesdays 1-3 p.m. or 4-6 p.m. Ask for a Supply list at the front Desk..
Learn Painting Techniques and how to paint at your own pace. Bring pictures of the subjects you want to learn to paint.
****Paint Nite aka Sip n Paint at Corner Arts Monthly with Colleen
2nd Friday of each Month, next one is Friday, Jan 17th, 6:15-8:15. $35 All inclusive Watch for New Paintings Each Month
Or By Appointment Only Want to have a Party or Team Building Event?? Call us for a special date or time Limit 4-20 here at the Gallery or I will come to your place of business
Quilting (Hand Piecing) or Machine Sewing for Beginners with Marie
Learn Basic cutting and sewing quilted squares to create your own lap quilt. Bring your own Machine for Machine Sewing. Learn to add your backing and hand sewing the lap quilt, pillow top or bag Tuesday 4-6, Thursdays 4-6 or Saturdays 1-3 $25 per person (ages 14 to adult)
Resin and Glass Weekly Workshop
1st Friday Night 6-7:30 p.m. And….Friday Afternoons 3-4:30 p.m. We have all colors and shapes of Glass and Sea Shells to create something beautiful on canvas or wooden boards! We will pour the Resin after you leave. Your Masterpiece will be ready for pickup the next afternoon!
Do a Christmas Tree, Flowers, Palm Tree, or Pink Flamingo! Want a Certain Background Color? Let us know! Small $45, Med $65, Large $75 12 x 24 $125 includes All Supplies! Tell us Which size you prefer.
Sewing with a Machine for Beginners with Marie
Classes on Tuesday 4-6 or Thursday 2-4 or Saturday 1-3 (ages 10 to adult). $25 per person…. Bring your on Machine
Discuss with Marie about a basic pattern to begin sewing...or begin with a Fun Fabric Bag for your Stuff
*****NEW*****Watercolor- Adults Class ages 16 & up with Katherine
This adult watercolor class will help you learn about various watercolor techniques. Explore how to manipulate the medium and create art at your own pace. $25 per person. Thursdays 4:30 -6 p.m. Jan 9th Ask for a Supply List for Watercolor Classes